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2021年12月27日 星期一

Dentin and Pulp

 Dentin and Pulp

Complete the crossword below (designed by Yu CH, CSMU)

Created with Crossword Puzzle Generator
1. Thick fibers of type III collagen running between adjacent odontoblasts and inserting into mantle dentin. 
2. Incremental lines occurring at five-day intervals during dentin formation. 
3. Dentin formed in response to a pulp exposure. 
5. The cells responsible for the synthesis and secretion of the dentin extracellular matrix proteins. 
6. The name of the network of subodontoblastic nerves. 

4. Accentuated contour lines in dentin resulting from disturbances in mineralization. 
7. The popular theory that explains the mechanism by which tooth sensitivity is perceived. 
8. The initial unmineralized matrix deposited by odontoblasts. 
9. The outermost layer of dentin found in crown region adjacent to the DEJ. 
10. A bone-like dentin structure that includes osteocytes within lacunae.


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