一、眼球解剖生理學 1.
書名:Adler's Physiology of the Eye 作者:Albert Alm, Paul L.Kaufman 出版社:MOSBY ELSEVIER 2.
書名:Ocular Anatomy and Physiology 作者:Al Lens, Sheila Coyne Nemeth, JaniceK. Ledford 3.
書名:Clinical Anatomy of the Eye 作者:Richard S. Snell, Michael A. Lemp 4.
書名:The Eye:Basic Sciences in Practice 作者:John V. Forrester, Andrew D Dick, Paul G. McMenamin, FionaRoberts, Eric Pearlman 出版社:ELSEVIER 5.
Clinical Ophthalmology : A Systematic Approach 作者:John F. Salmon 出版社:ELSEVIER 6. 書名:Vaughan & Asbury’s GeneralOphthalmology 作者:Paul Riordan-Eva, James J. Augsburger 出版社:McGraw Hill
Education Lange 二、驗光倫理法規 1. 書名:醫療法律與醫學倫理 作者:何建志 出版社:元照 2. 書名:認識醫學倫理 作者:戴正德、李明濱等 出版社:前程文化 3. 書名:醫學倫理 MEDICAL ETHICS:AVery Short Introduction 作者:Tony Hope 譯者:吳俊華、李方、裘劼人等 出版社:牛津大學 4. 驗光人員法、驗光人員法施行細則、驗光所設置標準、專門職業及技術人員高等暨普通考試驗光人員考試規則、醫事人員執業登記及繼續教育辦法、醫療法等相關法規 |
1. 書名:Geometrical and Visual Optics : A Clinical Introduction 作者:Steven H. Schwartz 出版社:McGraw Hill
Education 2. 書名:Clinical Optics and Refraction : AGuide for Optometrists, Contact LensOpticians and Dispensing Opticians 作者:Andrew Keirl, Caroline Christie 出版社:BUTTERWORTH HEINEMANNELSEVIER 3. 書名:Bennett and Rabbett’s Clinical VisualOptics 作者:Ronald B. Rabbetts 出版社:BUTTERWORTH HEINEMANNELSEVIER 4. 書名:Geometric, Physical, and VisualOptics 作者:Michael P. Keating 出版社:Butterworth-Heinemann 5. 書名:Duke-Elder's Practice of Refraction 作者:David Abrams 出版社:Elsevier Health Sciences |
1. 書名:Clinical Procedures for Ocular Examination 作者:Nancy B. Carlson, Daniel Kurtz 出版社:McGraw Hill Education 2. 書名:Clinical Procedures in Primary EyeCare 作者:David B. Elliott 出版社:ELSEVIER Saunders 3. 書名:Optometry : Science Techniques andClinical Management 作者:Mark Rosenfield, Nicola Logan 出版社:BUTTERWORTH HEINEMANNELSEVIER 4. 書名:Clinical Management of BinocularVision:Heterophoric,Accommodative, andEye Movement Disorders 作者:Mitchell Scheiman, Bruce Wick 出版社:Wolters Kluwer 5.
書名:Borish's Clinical
Refraction 作者:William
J. Benjamin 出版社:BUTTERWORTH HEINEMANNELSEVIER 6. 書名: Primary Care Optometry 作者: Theodore Grosvenor OD PhD FAAO 出版社 : Butterworth Heinemann |
一、隱形眼鏡學(含驗配) 1.
Manual of Contact Lenses 作者:Edward S. Bennett, Vinita Allee Henry 出版社:Wolters Kluwer 2.
Lens Practice 作者:Nathan Efron 出版社:ELSEVIER 二、配鏡學 1. 書名:The Optician Training Manual :Simple Steps to Becoming a GreatOptician 作者:David S. McCleary 出版社:Santa Rosa Publishing 2.
Lenses and Dispensing 作者:Mo Jalie 出版社:BUTTERWORTH HEINEMANNELSEVIER 3.
for Ophthalmic Dispensing 作者:Clifford W. Brooks, Irvin M. Borish 出版社:BUTTERWORTH HEINEMANNELSEVIER |
一、低視力學 1.
書名:Low Vision Assessment 作者:Jane Macnaughton 出版社:ELSEVIER BUTTERWORTH HEINEMANN 2. 書名:Foundations of Low Vision:Clinicaland Functional Perspectives 作者:Anne L. Corn ,
Jane N. Erin 出版社:AFB Press
3. 書名:Assistive Technology for Blindnessand Low Vision 作者:Roberto Manduchi,
Sri Kurniawan 出版社:CRC Press 4. 書名:Functional Vision:A Practitioner’sGuide to Evaluation and Intervention 作者:Amanda Hall Lueck 出版社:AFB press 二、眼疾病學 1. 書名:Kanski's Clinical Ophthalmology : ASystematic Approach 作者:John F. Salmon 出版社:ELSEVIER 2. 書名:Vaughan & Asbury’s General Ophthalmology 作者:Paul Riordan-Eva, James J. Augsburger 出版社:McGraw Hill Education Lange 3. 書名:Low Vision Manual 作者:A. Jonathan Jackson, James S.Wolffsohn 出版社:BUTTERWORTH HEINEMANNELSEVIER 4. 書名:The Low Vision Handbook forEyecare Professionals 作者:Barbara Brown 出版社:Slack Incorporated |
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