一、齒顎矯正科 教科書
(1)Contemporary Orthodontics.4th ed 2007
(2)Orthodontics: Current principles and
techniques.4th ed 2005
(3)Handbook of Orthodontics. 1998
二、口腔顎面外科 教科書
(1) Contemporary oral and maxillofacial
surgery /senior editor, Larry J. Peterson ; associate editors, Edward Ellis,
James R. Hupp, Myron R. Tucker. 4th ed.2003 (2)Principles of oral and
maxillofacial surgery /edited by U.J. Moore. 5th ed. 2001.
口腔顎面外科 期刊
(1)International journal of oral and
maxillofacial surgery.
(2)Journal of oral and maxillofacial
surgery : official journal of the American Association of Oral and
Maxillofacial Surgeons.
=Chinese journal of oral and maxillofacial surgery.
三、牙體復形科 教科書
(1)Sturdevant's art & science of
operative dentistry. 5th ed. Mosby,c2006. (2)Textbook of operative dentistry.
3rd ed. Saunders, c1995.
restorative dental materials. 12th ed. Mosby, c2006.
(4)Fundamentals of Operative Dentistry:a
contemporary approach.3rd ed.Quintessence.Pab.2006
三、牙周病科 教科書
(1)Glickman's Clinical
Periodontology 9th ed. 2001.
(2)Textbook of Clinical Periodontology 5th
ed. 2003(Jan Lindhe)
(3)Periodontics 6th ed.1988 (Grant. Stern.
(4)Periodontology and Periodontics 2nd ed.
1990(Ramfjord & Ash)
(5)Color Atlas of Periodontology 2nd ed.
1989 Rateitschak 15
(1)J. of Periodontology
(2)J. of Clinical Periodontology
(3)J. of Periodontal Research
(4)J. of Dental Research
(5)International J of Periodontics and
Restorative dentistry (6)J.A.D.A.
四、補綴科 教科書
(1) Rosentiel SF, Land MF, Fujimoto J.
Contemporary Fixed Prosthodontics. 4th edition. Mosby 2006
(2) Shillingburg HT, Hobo S, Whitsett LD,
Jacobi R, Brackett SE. Fundamentals of Fixed Prosthodontics. Thrid edtion.
Quintessence 1997
(3) McGivney GP, Carr AB. McCracken's Removable Partial Prosthodontics. 11th edition. Mosby 2006
(4) Zarb GA, Bolender CL, Carlsson GE.
Boucher's Prosthodontic Treatment for Edentulous
Patients. 12th edition. Mosby 2004
(5) Craig RG, Powers JM. Restorative Dental
Materials. 12th edition. Mosby 2006
(6) Mish CE, Contemporary Implant
Dentistry. 3rd edition, Mosby,2008
(1) Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry
(2) International Journal of Prosthodontics
(3) The International Journal of Oral and
Maxillofacial Implants
五、牙髓病科 牙髓病科必讀之教科書
(1)Ingle, J.I.: Endodontics.
(2)Weine, F.S.: Endodontic Thearpy.
(3)Cohen, S. and Burns. R.C.: Pathways of
the pulp.
(4)Andreasen, J.O.: Traumatic Injuries of
(1)Journal of Endodontic
(2)International Endodontic Journal
(3)Oral surgery. Oral Medicine. Oral
(4)Endodontic Traumatology. 16
六、兒童牙科 主要教科書
(1)An illustrated guide to dental care for
the medically compromised patient / Grundy, Margaret C./Hamilton, David
V./Shaw, Linda. /Wolfe, 1993.
(2)Color atlas of oral diseases in children
and adolescents / Scully, Crispian./Welbury, Richard. /Wolfe, 1994.
(3)Dentistry for the child and adolescent /
McDonald, Ralph E., 1920-/Avery, David R./Dean, Jeffrey A.,/D.D.S./Mosby, 2004.
(4)Diagnostic picture tests in paediatric
dentistry / Rock, W. P./Grundy, Margaret C./Shaw, Linda. /Wolfe Medical
Publications, 1988.
(5)Fluoride in preventive dentistry :theory
and clinical applications / Mellberg, James R./Ripa, Louis W. /Quintessence
Pub. Co., 1983.
(6)Fundamentals of pediatric dentistry/
Mathewson, Richard J./Primosch, Robert E. /Quintessence Books, 1995.
(7)Kennedy's paediatric operative dentistry
/ Curzon, M. E. J. (Martin E. J.)/Roberts, J. F./Kennedy, D. B. /Wright, 1996.
(8)Occlusal guidance in pediatric dentistry
/ Nakata, Minoru, 1933-/Wei, Stephen H. Y. /Ishiyaku EuroAmerica, 1988.
(9)Oral and dental trauma in children and
adolescents / Roberts, Graham./Longhurst, Peter,/senior lecturer. /Oxford
University Press, 1996.
(10) Paediatric cariology / Hosey, Marie
Therese./Deery, Christopher./Waterhouse, Paula Jane./Quintessence, 2004.
(11) Paediatric dentistry / Welbury,
Richard./Duggal, Monty S./Hosey, Marie Therese./Oxford University Press, 2005.
(12) Pediatric dentistry :a clinical
approach / Koch, Goran./Poulsen, Sven./Blackwell Munksgaard, 2001.
(13) Pediatric dentistry :infancy through
adolescence / Pinkham, J. R. /W.B. Saunders Co., 1994.
(14) Pediatric dentistry :total patient
care / Wei, Stephen H. Y. /Lea & Febiger, 1988. (15) Preventive materials,
methods, and programs / Axelsson, Per,/Axelsson, Per,/Quintessence Pub., 2004.
(16) Restorative techniques in paediatric
dentistry :an illustrated guide to the restoration of carious primary teeth /
Duggal, Monty S. /Martin Dunitz, 2002. 17
(17) Treatment planning for the developing
dentition / Rodd, Helen./Wray, Alison,/Wilson, Nairn H. F./Hosey, Marie
Therese./Quintessence Pub., 2006.
(1) An introduction to behavioural science
& dentistry / Locker, David. /Tavistock/Routledge, 1989.
(2) Child management in dentistry / Wright,
Gerald Z./Gardner, Donald E., 1938-/Starkey, P/Wright, 1987.
(3) Clinical oral pediatrics / White,
George Edward. /Quintessence Pub. Co., 1981.
(4) Dental management of the child patient
/ Loevy, Hannelore Taschini. /Quintessence Pub. Co., 1981.
(5) Essentials of safe dentistry for the
medically compromised patient / McCarthy, Frank M., 1924- /Saunders, 1989
(6) General anaesthesia and sedation in
dentistry / Hill, C. M./Morris, P. J. /Butterworth-Heinemann, 1991.
(7) Handbook of clinical pedodontics /
Snawder, Kenneth D., 1934- /Mosby, 1980.
(8) Handbook of pediatric dentistry /
Widmer, Richard P./Cameron, Angus C. /Mosby-Wolfe, 1997.
(9) Hospital dentistry / Zambito, Raymond
F./Black, Harold A./Tesch, Lorraine B. /Mosby, 1997.
(10) Medical problems in dentistry /
Scully, Crispian./Cawson, R. A./ Elsevier Churchill Livingstone, 2005.
(11) Notes on paediatric dentistry /
Parkin, S. F. /Wright, 1991.
(12) Pediatric dentistry / Shaw, Linda.
/Wolfe, 1994.
(13) Practical treatment planning for the
paedodontic patient / Blinkhorn, A. S./Mackie, Iain C. /Quintessence Pub. Co.,
(14) Sedation :a guide to patient
management / Malamed, Stanley F., 1944-/Mosby, 2003.
(15) The management of traumatized anterior
teeth of children / Hargreaves, John Anthony./Needleman, Howard L.,/Craig, John
Warrender,/Churchill Livingstone, 1981. 相關期刊
(1) ASDC journal of dentistry for children.
Chicago: American Society of Dentistry of Children. 48-69(1,3), 1981-2002.
(2) The Journal of clinical pediatric
dentistry. Birmingham, AL : Journal of Pedodontics, Inc. 31(2)-,2007-. 18
(3) Journal of dentistry for children.
Chicago: American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry. 70(1)-, 2003-.
(4) Pediatric dentistry. Chicago: American
Academy of Pediatric Dentistry. 18-20, 1996-98. 24-, 2002-.
(5) 中華民國兒童牙科醫學會雜誌=Journal
of the Taiwan Academy of Pediatric Dentistry. 臺北市: 中華民國兒童牙科醫學會. 1-2, 2001-2002.
(6) 臺灣兒童牙醫學雜誌=Taiwan
journal of Pediatric Dentistry. 臺北市: 中華民國兒童牙科醫學會. 2(4)-, 2002-.
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